Entersoft - Analysis and Systems Development
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Settings for using Entersoft OuroCash ™ in the network
“... Blessed the people whose God is LORD!” - Psalms 144:15
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ATTENTION: Install the system only on the main computer of your network.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
We are at your disposal.
Development team
The Entersoft OuroCash ™ is a multi-user system, that can be used by several employees
at the same time. If you have multiple computers interconnected on the same internal network,
the system can be used from any computer in your network, as long as you have a valid use license.
All information entered in the system is stored in the "NETWORK SERVER", which corresponds
to the main computer where the system was installed and the use license was acquired.
Instruction # 1
Write down the "Computer Name" and the "Working Group"
In order for system access shortcuts can be created on the "terminal" computers, you must note down
the name that identifies the "SERVER" computer within your network.
Access the desktop of the computer "SERVER" and right-click "This PC" (Windows 10) or
"My Computer" (Previous Versions of Windows), and then click the "Properties" option:
Avoid using the system through wireless connections.
We recommend that your computers be connected to a structured (wired) network
for greater speed and stability in data communication with the server.
On the other computers on the network (terminals), only one runtime package should be installed,
and an icon pointed to the server, to run the system directly over the network.
A screen will open with the "Computer Name" and "Workgroup" of your network:
Write down the "Computer Name" that represents the name of your server on the network.
For the system to work properly on your network, all "TERMINAL" computers must belong to the
same "Workgroup" of the "SERVER" computer, as shown in the image above.
See that next to this information there is an option for "Change Settings", where you can modify
them if necessary.
After writing down this information, close this screen.
Instruction # 2
Disabling password-protected sharing
For all computers on the network to be able to access the system on the server in an uncomplicated
way, configure the Windows Share to not request access passwords.
Access the desktop and double-click the "This PC" icon (Windows 10) or "My Computer"
(Previous Versions of Windows).
On the left side of the screen, click the right mouse button on the "Network" option and then click
on the "Properties" option:
On the next screen, click the "Change advanced sharing settings" option.
Then roll the screen until you find the "All Networks" option and click on the icon to the side to
expand the list of options.
Scroll down and check the "Turn off password protected sharing" option.
Then click "Save Changes" and close this screen.
Instruction # 3
Sharing the C:\ENTERSOFT folder on the network
In order for all computers on the network can to access the system, the C:\ENTERSOFT folder located
on the "SERVER" must be shared on the network, and must have read and write permissions for all
Access the "This PC" icon (Windows 10) or "My Computer" (Previous Versions of Windows),
locate the folder C:\ENTERSOFT, click the right mouse button on this folder, and select the
"Properties" option.
In the screen that will open, select the "Sharing" tab and click the "Share" button.
On the next screen, type the word "Everyone" and click the "Add" button.
Note that in the list below, the "Everyone" permission level should be set to "Read/Write" as shown:
Then click the "Share" button. Note that the next screen will
display the path of the share, such as \\Server\Entersoft
The word "Server" in this case corresponds to the name of the
computer we are using as the server in this example.
Click the "Done" button and close the screens that are open because your server is already
configured... Follow the instructions on the next page to configure the other PCs on the network:
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